Garfield Re-2 School Board member Tony May's protest to the recall petition filed against him by the Coalition for Responsible Education was denied on March 29th by officer Sheila Reiner. This week, the Post Independent reports that May has chosen to file an appeal of this denial. The soonest a recall election could be scheduled is May 5th, in accordance with procedures related to other elections happening in 2024. Garfield County Clerk and Recorder Jackie Harmon anticipates that the election will most likely happen in June.
The protest hearing for the recall of Garfield Re-2 School Board Member Tony May was held this week, presided over by independent officer Sheila Reiner. The hearing was necessary to determine whether or not a recall election is in order, with the motion spearheaded by the local group, Coalition for Responsible Education.
May’s representative Drew Kraniak argued that the recall paperwork was not turned in within the allotted period.
The issue stems from when Garfield County Clerk and Recorder Jackie Harmon originally set the parameters for the petition’s circulation from November 27th to January 26th, with Kraniak arguing that since the petition was approved on November 24th the circulation period should have started three days sooner.
Community organizer Willow Brotzman spoke on behalf of the Coalition.
County Clerk and Recorder Jackie Harmon brought in the box of petitions to display the voices of county citizens, all ninety-nine parts of which sat at her table as her statement was given.
Garfield County Attorney Jan Shute was also present, and provided her own statement in reference to the issue.
If Tony May faces a special election for his seat, it will likely have to wait due to procedural requirements. A final decision on the issue will be released by April 10th.