Grand Valley Citizens' Alliance, LOGIC, and Citizens for a Healthy Community are challenging the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission’s private…
Garfield County Commissioners spent close to $2 million dollars on lawyers, consultants, and a Denver PR firm in their unsuccessful fight against the new…
The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, or COGCC, voted unanimously Monday in favor of new oil and gas regulations across the state, fulfilling…
The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Wednesday approved new wellbore integrity rules to help protect groundwater during oil and natural gas…
The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission recently released draft rules on oil and gas flowlines, mandated by SB-181. KDNK’s Amy Hadden Marsh has…
The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission held the first rulemaking hearings this week since Senate Bill 181 became law earlier this year. The…
Two citizen's groups - Battlement Concerned Citizens and the Grand Valley Citizen's Alliance recently filed suit against the Colorado Oil and Gas…
It was a win this week for Ursa Resources BMC A Pad in Battlement Mesa. KDNK’s Amy Hadden Marsh has more.
State oil and gas regulators recently gave the nod to Ursa Resources’ A Pad at Battlement Mesa. But for citizen groups, the fight against the pad…
Parents and teachers who traveled to Denver on Dec. 18 to watch the Colorado Oil and Gas Commission increase the buffer zones between schools and oil...