Public access radio that connects community members to one another and the world
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Mission Statement:  KDNK provides public access radio that connects community members to one another and the world.

Review the Strategic Plan of KDNK identifying KDNK's goals to foster Community, Creativity, Inclusion and Resilience.
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KDNK Board of Directors 2024

Shoshana Rosenthal - President
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Elected 11/18, Re-elected 12/21
Term Ends 12/24

Jonathan Stokely - Vice President
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Elected 11/19, Re-elected 12/22
Term Ends 12/25

Elzbieta Jaszczak - Treasurer
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Elected 11/22
Term Ends 12/25

Erin Hollingsworth - Secretary
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Elected 12/22
Term Ends 12/25

Kara Silbernagel
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Elected 11/18, Re-elected 12/21
Term Ends 12/24

Sara McMillan
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Appointed 12/23
Term Ends 12/25

Eric Berry
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Elected 12/23
Term Ends 12/26

Pedro Rivera
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Elected 12/23
Term Ends 12/26

Maggie "Mugsy" Seldeen
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Elected 12/23
Term Ends 12/26

Raleigh Burleigh
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Appointed 03/24
Term Ends 12/24

Board Meetings

The KDNK Board meets on the third Monday of every month at KDNK office, 76 S. Second Street, Carbondale, CO 81623.
Board meetings are open to the public. Contact KDNK at 970 963-0139 for information.

Schedule of 2024 Meetings:

Monday, January 8, 2024 - Approved Minutes
Monday, February 12, 2024 - Approved Minutes
Monday, March 18, 2024 - Approved Minutes
Monday, April 22, 2024 - Approved Minutes
Monday, May 20, 2024 - Approved Minutes
Monday, June 17, 2024 - Approved Minutes
Monday, July 15, 2024 - Agenda
Monday, August 19, 2024
Monday, September 16, 2024
Monday, October 21, 2024
Monday, November 18, 2024
Monday, December 16, 2024

KDNK Board of Directors Overview

KDNK has a board of directors whose primary purpose is to ensure that the organization is run effectively. KDNK's By-Laws specify the details of how a board is elected and how it functions. The primary role of the board of directors is to ensure that the organization: 

  • Operates within state and federal laws.
  • Earns its money honestly and spends it responsibly.
  • Adopts programs and procedures most conducive to carrying out its mission.

Board members are typically chosen for their demonstrated commitment to the organization and their long-term vision. They are an essential source of guidance and support for the staff who are charged with the day-to-day operations of running a radio station. Board members also serve as ambassadors for the station in its interface with the membership and the general public. In this capacity, it is important that board members understand their obligation to participate in fundraising efforts for the organization by making donations themselves and by soliciting donations from supporters through fundraising events and donor campaigns.
The responsibilities of board members typically fall into several broad categories:

  • Setting organizational policy, reviewing and evaluating organizational plans. The board ensures that KDNK's programming is in keeping with its statement of mission and that the mission continues to reflect a true need.
  • Funding the organization. The board is responsible for the continued funding and financial health of KDNK. Board members are expected to both give and raise money.
  • Carrying out long-range planning. The board sets aside time annually to discuss and formulate long-range plans for the organization. Since public radio is supported by the direct contributions of the membership, the board must listen to the input of its members and pledge to communicate with them and take their views into consideration.
  • Ensuring fiscal accountability. The board approves and monitors KDNK's annual budget and its monthly financial reports. They make sure that KDNK's resources, including the time of the volunteers and staff, as well as money, are being used wisely.
  • Managing personnel. The board sets and periodically reviews personnel policies. They are responsible for hiring a capable manager who can run the day-to-day operations of the station and be responsible for hiring, supervising, and evaluating the staff. The board is the final arbiter of internal staff disputes and grievances and takes care to maintain positive staff-board relationships.
  • Ensuring organizational continuity. The board develops leadership within the organization to maintain a mix of old and new people in both spheres.
  • Legal responsibility. The board of directors of KDNK is legally responsible for the organization. Legal documents are signed by the officers of the board. Therefore, it is essential that the board members know and approve all policies and programs and oversees their implementation. If the organization becomes the subject of a lawsuit, the board of directors can be held liable.

Serving on KDNK's board of directors is both a serious commitment and a rewarding endeavor. It can be a tremendous educational opportunity. When an organization is unified in its mission and the board of directors is clear about its roles and responsibilities many accomplishments follow and the membership enjoys the pleasure of being well served by those it has entrusted.

KDNK Board Policy

Current policies of the KDNK Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Carbondale Community Access Radio (dba KDNK) consists of nine members, elected to serve three-year terms. In case of a midterm vacancy, the Board may appoint members to fill that vacated seat; that appointment is active for the remainder of that elected member’s original term. The Board may also, at its discretion, appoint up to three additional members to the Board for two-year terms.

Board of Director Terms. Board members become valid as soon as election results are announced at the November annual meeting, and expire at that annual meeting and election three years later. Retiring members are asked to come to the December meeting following the expiration of their term for introduction to new members, and for recognition of their service.

Board of Director Meetings. Regular Board meetings shall take place on the third Monday of each month. Meetings are held in the office of  KDNK, 76 S. Second Street, Carbondale. Special Board meetings may also be called from time to time. All board meetings are open to the public. Email if you have an item you would like placed on the upcoming meeting's agenda. 

2023 Meetings
Monday, January 23, 2023 - Approved Minutes
Monday, February 27, 2023 - Approved Minutes
Monday, March 20, 2023 - Approved Minutes
Monday, April 24, 2023 - Approved Minutes
Monday, May 15, 2023 - Approved Minutes
Monday, June 19, 2023 - Approved Minutes
Monday, July 17, 2023 - Approved Minutes
Monday, August 21, 2023 - Approved Minutes
Monday, September 18, 2023 - Approved Minutes
Monday, October 16, 2023 - Approved Minutes
Monday, November 13, 2023 - Approved Minutes
Monday, December 18, 2023 - Annual Meeting Presentation

2022 Meetings
Monday, January 24, 5:30 pm - Approved Minutes
Monday, February 28, 5:30 pm - Approved Minutes
Monday, March 28, 5:30 pm - Approved Minutes
Monday, April 18, 5:30 pm - Approved Minutes
Monday, May 23, 5:30 pm - Approved Minutes
Monday, June 21, 5:30 pm - Approved Minutes
Monday, July 18, 5:30 pm - Approved Minutes
Monday, August 22, 5:30 pm - Approved Minutes
Monday, September 19, 5:30 pm - Approved Minutes
Monday, October 17, 5:30 pm - Approved Minutes
Monday, November 21, 5:30 pm - Approved Minutes
Monday, December 12, 5:30 pm - Approved Minutes

Notice of all regular or special Board meetings shall be made by posting the agenda at the KDNK office/studios at 76 South 2nd Street no later than seven days prior to the meeting. Notice of the time, date, and place of Board meetings shall also be made both by press releases e-mailed to local newspapers and by public service announcements broadcast on KDNK.

Posting of Board of Director Meeting Minutes. Once approved, minutes shall be made available as part of the "KDNK Official Documents" kept in the KDNK General Manager's office at 76 S. 2nd St. Minutes may be sent via e-mail or regular mail to anyone who requests them.

Agenda items: The Board President will request via e-mail ten days prior to any regular or special meeting. Anyone wishing to add items to the agenda may contact the Board Secretary, the GM, or any board member. The GM and Board President will collaborate to finalize the agenda a week before the meeting.

Bringing an issue to the Board: Members of KDNK or the general public may request inclusion on a Board meeting agenda to present a specific issue by contacting the station manager and/or a board member with a description of the item or issue to be discussed. Meeting agendas shall also include a “Public Comment” item for comments on topics not on the agenda.

Finance: The treasurer will report the budget v. actual and balance sheet in January, April, July, and October. After an initial Board discussion in the October budget review, the Station Manager and Treasurer will compile the next year’s budget. In November the Board will evaluate the draft budget for final approval at the December meeting.

KDNK Committees
At any committee meeting at which it is anticipated that a quorum of Board members will be attending, public notice shall follow the same meeting notice procedure as regular Board meetings. (A quorum is a simple majority of the current active members of the Board of Directors.)

  • The Executive Committee shall consist of the general manager and the four appointed officers of the board: president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary.
  • The Executive Committee may meet prior to the regular board meeting to set the agenda and, if necessary, formulate recommendations to the full board on specific action items. The committee may also meet as needed to address specific tasks as assigned by the full board.
  • The Executive Committee, in the event of any long-term absence or vacancy in the station manager's position, shall assume general management duties of the organization, or otherwise delegate such duties to another staff member or interim manager.

The Board may appoint any number of working committees to focus on specific projects or tasks. Committees may not include more than four Board members. Committee appointments may be extended to members of the staff, the station's membership, or members of the community at large.

  • Grants Committee: Shoshana-chair
  • Events Committee: Aly Sanguily, Erin Hollingsworth, April Spaulding, Veronika Lamaak
  • Human Resources Committee: John Henderson
  • Board Improvement Committee: 
  • Finance Committee: Ela, Jonathan, Megan, Bob Schultz, Bruce Garr
  • Tech Committee: Chris Hassig, Jonathan, Cody Lee, Louis Girardot, Bob Schultz

Community Advisory Board
To attend or serve on the board contact KDNK at 970 963-0139 or e-mail the board at

The next CAB meeting will take place on Thursday, January 18 from 6:00-7:30pm

The CAB met October 25th, 2023 - Minutes are here
The CAB met March 17th, 2023 - Minutes are here
The CAB met November 30th, 2022 - Minutes are here
The CAB met July 21st, 2022 - Minutes are here
The CAB met August 12th, 2021 - Minutes are here
The CAB met July 17th, 2020 - Minutes are here.
Prior CAB meeting notes available upon request

The Board of Directors of KDNK Community Access Radio has established a Community Advisory Board (CAB) in order to receive regular feedback from the community and to comply with certain requirements for stations that receive federal funding through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

The purpose of the CAB is to review the programming goals established by the station, the services to the communities provided by the station, and the significant policy decisions rendered by the station. The CAB may also be delegated additional responsibilities as determined by the Board of Directors of KDNK. 

The CAB shall advise the governing body of the station with respect to whether the programming and other policies of the station are meeting the specialized educational and cultural needs of the communities served by the station, and may make recommendations, as it considers appropriate to meet such needs.

The role of the CAB shall be solely advisory in nature, except to the extent those other responsibilities are delegated to the CAB by the governing board of the station. In no case shall the CAB have any authority to exercise any control over the daily management or operation of the station.

The CAB is directed to meet at regular intervals; that members of the CAB shall make a good faith effort to attend all meetings; and that the CAB members nominated by the CAB and confirmed the governing board reasonably reflect the diverse needs and interests of the communities served by the station.

Members of the Community Advisory Board

  • Brandon Jones - Chair
  • Olivia Pevec
  • Luis Yllanes
  • Pedro Riverra
  • Chris Hassig
  • Sloan Shoemaker
  • Patty Lecht
  • Beth Krassemann

CPB Telling Public Radio's Story survey, posted online Feb 25, 2019

KDNK Bylaws and Financials

2022 Audited Financial Statement
2021 Audited Financial Statement
CPB 2022 AFR
KDNK Diversity Statement
CPB Local Content & Service Report