Garfield County Communications staff initially alerted the Pitkin County Sheriff’s Office that a man who allegedly made the threat was believed to be armed and in Old Snowmass.
The Aspen School District, Roaring Fork Schools, and Garfield RE-2 District all went into secure lockout at 8:50 a.m. That's when exterior doors are locked and no one is able to enter or leave facilities.
Authorities closed Watson Divide and Snowmass Creek roads to secure the area and conduct operations.
Law enforcement took Charles Draughn, a 26-year-old from Glenwood Springs, into custody just after 10 a.m., and lifted road closures at 10:15 – schools reopened shortly therafter.
Draughn faces charges of felony and misdemeanor menacing, and interference with staff/faculty and students of educational institutions.
He allegedly directed threats towards teachers and staff of Summit County Schools, including Superintendent Tony Byrd, on the Summit Daily newspaper’s Instagram page.
For KDNK News, I'm Morgan Neely.