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Join KDNK at Mountain Heart this Friday, September 20th at 6PM for a staff DJ extravaganza!

Kids Corner | Birds

Kids' Corner is the Andy Zanca Youth Empowerment Program's family radio hour created by kids, for kids. Our theme this month is birds. During this program, you will hear fun songs about birds, poems recited by students, a read-aloud book, play a bird guessing game, learn all about migration, and much more.

This Bird Themed Show included the following: 

"Vogelgezwitscher" by Berlin Rain
"Little Birdie" by Mike Seeger and Penny Seeger
"Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley
"Little Bird, Little Bird" by Elizabeth Mitchell
"Rockin' Robin" by Bobby Day
"Bird Song" by Heather Masse
"Yellow Bird" by Ella Jenkins
"Carnival of the Animals: X. Aviary" by Camille Saint-Saens
"Chickadee" by Pete Moss

Recipe of the Month: Baby Bird Nests and Trail Mix

Project: Let’s make a bird bath! It’s very easy to do and doesn’t require many supplies. Our bird friends really appreciate a nice place to clean off and cool down.

You will need a shallow pan like an old cake pan, or a flower pot tray. It should not be more than 2 inches deep. You will also need pebbles or one big, flat rock.

First, you want to choose a good site to place the bath. The ground should be level. There should be some evergreens or other shrubs nearby. Pick a place where you can easily watch the birds from a window.

Next, set the pan or tray down and fill it with water. Be sure the water is only about an inch to an inch-and-a-half deep. Toss in a few large pebbles or a flat stone. These will give the birds confidence to enter the water because it will help them judge how deep the water is.

Be sure to replace the water every 2-3 days so harmful bacteria doesn’t grow in the bath.

Watch all of the different kinds of birds that will flock to your bird bath. They love it! I hope you try this project at home.

Bird Friendly Tips: Let’s welcome our birds back and help make them happy, healthy, and safe.

Choose native plants to plant in your yard. These are good for birds, pollinators, animals, and humans! When planting, make sure that you have a variety of different habitats for our bird friends. We don’t just want tall trees or grass. Flowering bushes, shrubs, and the canopy layer are all super important. Choose plants that have flowers, berries, or seeds because these can be important for birds to eat.

Add birdhouses or nesting boxes to your yard. You can buy them, but it’s much more fun to make them at home!

If possible, keep your pet cats inside.

Add a water feature like a bird bath, waterfall, or pond.

Put out dryer lint, yarn, and other materials to help them build nests.

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