Soul Connection | An AZYEP Podcast
Latest Episodes
On this month's episode of Soul Connection, Sarah and Zenobia are joined by Chad Federwitz, Manager of Pitkin County Senior Services, to discuss mental health trends for older adults.
On this month's episode of Soul Connection, hosts Sarah and Zenobia discuss the importance of living in the moment.
On this month's episode of Soul Connection, Sarah and Zenobia are joined by Lindsey Lupow, program director of HeadQuarters. Lindsey talks about why she loves her job and shares her excitement for a new MFIT program that HeadQuarters is developing.
On this month's episode of Soul Connection, hosts Sarah and Zenobia are joined by Dr. Ann Moll, Dean of the School of Humanities, Social Sciences, Sustainability, Human Services, Early Childhood and Education at Colorado Mountain College.
On this month's episode of Soul Connection, Sarah and Zenobia discuss tips and tricks for dealing with seasonal depression, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder or "SAD" for short.