Grand Valley Citizens' Alliance, LOGIC, and Citizens for a Healthy Community are challenging the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission’s private…
Garfield County Commissioners spent close to $2 million dollars on lawyers, consultants, and a Denver PR firm in their unsuccessful fight against the new…
Garfield County Commissioners Monday unanimously approved another permit extension for Ursa Resources’ A Pad, pipeline, and injection well in Battlement…
Republican incumbents are leading in the Garfield County Commissioner Races. KDNK’s Amy Hadden Marsh has more from the Democratic challengers.
KDNK's Before the Ballot forum on Thursday, Oct. 8, featuring the Garfield County Commissioners race, included audience questions. One was directed to…
Grand Valley Citizens Alliance chair Leslie Robinson is running for Garfield County Commission's District 3 seat. She spoke with KDNK about her vision for…
Garfield County Commissioner Mike Samson will have a challenger this November. KDNK’s Amy Hadden Marsh has more.
Garfield County Commissioners recently agreed to join county governments within the Piceance Basin to write up Basin-wide rules for state oil and gas…
SB-181, a bill that changes state regulation of oil and gas development, is headed for Colorado Governor Jared Polis' desk. KDNK's Amy Hadden Marsh has…
It was a win this week for Ursa Resources BMC A Pad in Battlement Mesa. KDNK’s Amy Hadden Marsh has more.