Earlier this week Colorado Parks and Wildlife released a map depicting where Colorado’s newest canine residents have visited since the wolf release in December. The map is expected to be updated on a monthly basis, showing data from the month before. The map is segmented based around the Hydrologic Unit Codes of watersheds in Northwest Colorado, with the ones colored in purple indicating wolf activity. Hydrologic Unit Codes were chosen as the wolves will follow geographic features and it would be less generalized than simply identifying via counties. Some viewers may have concern over the fact that purple-colored watersheds extend to I-70 and further South. However, C P W specifies that the data shown is that of QUOTE at least one GPS position was recorded within the boundaries of the watershed UNQUOTE. Officials also note that a wolf has not yet been located South of I-70. The data comes from all 12 of Colorado’s wolves, the 10 released in 2023 and the two that had been previously collared in North Park. CPW also notes that simply because a watershed indicates wolf activity, it does not mean that a wolf or wolves are present throughout the entire watershed nor that they are currently in the watershed. Positions of the wolves are recorded every four hours, and CPW biologists receive the data as soon as four locations have been recorded by satellite. This could be delayed by weather or other factors, and will not be shared with the public until the map updates on the Fourth Wednesday of each month.