What causes pain? Pain Science and Coping/Recovery Strategies with Dr. Tom Walters, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS
On this episode of Ask a Physical Therapist, Dr. Tanice Kitchener, Physical Therapist and Dr. Tom Walters take a dive into pain science; what we have learned about what causes pain, why it is so individualized, and how to tame it. The scientific and medical communities have experienced a significant increase in knowledge and understanding of the human pain experience. Tune in to join the discussion and learn how it can support your journey to live a pain-less or pain scarce life by changing pain thresholds, reframing your experience and graded activity exposure. Part 1 is focused on the how and why of the pain experience itself and part 2 expands on treatment and coping strategies. Tom Walters, PT, DPT is a board-certified orthopedic physical therapist and educator, owner of Rehab Science, an online platform dedicated to providing evidence-based musculoskeletal rehabilitation resources and author of Rehab Science - How to Overcome Pain and Heal from Injury with rehab protocols for common injuries.