In this episode of Geekspeak, geeks Louie Girardot and Matt McBrayer talk about social media blackouts in Russia, the Apple launch event, and more.
Lesson from Louie: Don't strip wires with your teeth! Also in this episode: Apple FaceTime available on a web browser, Modern Marty has photo storage…
This time on Geekspeak, KDNK's resident Geeks chat about Bitcoin, a computer processor chip shortage due to a drought in Taiwan, Apple vs. Google photos,…
KDNK's deeks chat about Catalina, Apple's new desktop operating system for Macintosh computers.Geekspeak airs twice monthly on KDNK. It's a live call-in…
MacBooks have a history of being challenging to fix, especially the ones with glued-in batteries! Donna calls to affirm this and The Geeks respond by…