New research released last week by MJ Bradley & Associates shows that Colorado is off-course to meet emissions standards mandated in last year’s House…
In a letter sent to Colorado Oil and Gas Commission director Jeff Robins Thursday, activist group Colorado Rising for Communities and sister group…
Here, you can listen to the entire presentation of the pros and cons of Proposition 112, including Q & A, from the Garfield County Energy Advisory Board's…
Proposition 112 asks Colorado voters to approve a 2500-foot setback for oil and natural gas drilling in the state. The Garfield County Energy Advisory…
As Colorado’s population has grown, so has the oil and gas industry. Its presence is an unavoidable part of the landscape. That’s why volunteer Patricia...
Attorney Joe Salazar represents Colorado Rising, an anti-fracking group that is spearheading the effort to get Initiative 97 on November’s ballot. The…
Colorado Rising is spearheading the effort to get Initiative 97 on November’s ballot to increase oil and gas setbacks to 2500 feet from schools,…
A Colorado grassroots coalition started putting together a statewideballot initiative last month for wider buffer zones between fracking and…