What’s the coronavirus picture locally? KDNK's Morgan Neely has this update.
Garfield County Public Health recently hosted a forum on the state of COVID-19 in the county. KDNK’s Amy Hadden Marsh has this report.
On this month's Healthy is the New Happy, listen about vaccine safety for kids 12 and up with Brisa Chavez and Maria Roques debunking myths and sharing…
Colorado Comeback Cash is a new program to incentivize vaccination. And, the money is nothing to sneeze at. There’s a million bucks on the line. KSUT’s…
This month, the Famliy Resource Center of the Roaring Fork Schools interviews Brisa Chavez and Maria Roques from Mountain Family Health Centers about…
La Vacuna es Para Nosotros (The Vaccine is For Us) includes a short documentary in Spanish and a photo essay, featuring local faces. KDNK’s Amy Hadden…
A local Latino advocacy group vaccinated hundreds of mostly-Latino people at its COVID-19 clinic in Glenwood Springs earlier this month. KDNK reports on…
In Garfield County, 28% of the population is Hispanic, but that group represents 38% of confirmed COVID-19 cases. A group of local Hispanic community…
This month on Healthy is the New Happy, the Family Resource Center of the Roaring Fork Schools spoke with Dr. Maria Roques from Mountain Family Health…
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment said on February 18 that COVID-19 vaccine supplies may increase in coming weeks with potential…