In this Living World Conversation, host Dr. Will Evans speaks with Michael Johnson. Growing up in an Anglo and Hopi household, Michael experienced an internal conflict of cultures. As he learned to value and accept that contradiction, he learned a lot about his identity—where he fit in, and where he didn't.
This month, host Will Evans speaks with Basalt-based architect Michael Thompson, who’s also a long-time friend of fruit trees. He explains when and how he…
We broadcast the Watershed Way Ceremony on our airwaves on May 23rd. Thank you to everyone who tuned in for the live broadcast. If you missed it live,…
Will Evans speaks with Katrina Blair about how she celebrates the connection between personal health, wild lands, and source water.
Will Evans speaks with John Kimmey about Hopi corn, drought-resistant crops, and how intention and song benefits plants and people.Here's a recording of…
Brooke LeVan returns to the airwaves with host Will Evans to continue his New Year's report on the condition of Sustainable Settings and the state of the…
Host Will Evans sits down with Brooke LeVan, director of Sustainable Settings, to talk about the state of the soil and other lessons of 2020. This…
This month on Shifting Gears, Will Evans in Arizona speaks with Moran Sol Broza in Israel. Broza is a chef, social impact entrepreneur, and climate…
Elizabeth Herald returns to Shifting Gears and recalls who attended her self-led, coming-of-age ceremony on Cortez Island: the wilderness and a wolf.…
Local elder, retired medical doctor and host of Shifting Gears William Evans has released Circulating Source Water. This monograph incorporates science,…