The Colorado Oil and Gas Commission announced Thursday that rulemaking hearings for Senate Bill 181 will resume this month. Beginning July 14, the Commission will host meetings on the second and fourth Tuesday mornings of each month. These regularly scheduled hearings will offer public comment, address enforcement issues, general business, and work sessions as needed. These meetings will be in addition to upcoming SB 19-181 rulemakings. For more on how to submit public comment and check meeting agendas, click the headline.
You can submit public comments, and find links to tune in to the meeting at:
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Press release from the Colorado Oil and Gas Commission on July 9, 2020:
Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Announces Hearing Schedule
COGCC Chair Robbins announces upcoming hearing schedule, starting July 14
DENVER - The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) Chair Jeff Robbins has invited the public and stakeholders to attend the Commission’s newly announced hearings and announced an update to the SB 19-181 rulemaking schedule.
“We are excited to have all the commissioners meet our leadership team and each other today. We have a bold schedule ahead of us, and we will be working to deliver on these critical rulemakings to implement SB 191-181,” said COGCC Chair Jeff Robbins.
Beginning July 14, the Commission will host meetings on the second and fourth Tuesday mornings of each month. These regularly scheduled hearings will offer public comment, address enforcement issues, general business, and work sessions as needed. These meetings will be in addition to upcoming SB 19-181 rulemakings. All hearing information will be posted at the COGCC website.
Chair Robbins also provided an overview to the rulemaking schedule:
- Aug. 4: Mill Levy Rulemaking Commission Hearing
- Mission Change will be conducted through two rulemakings:
- 200-600 Series:
- 200: General Provisions; 300: Permitting Process; 400: Operations and Reporting; 500: Rules of Practice and Procedures; 600: Safety and Facility Operations
- Dates: Aug. 24 - Sept. 10*
- 800, 900, 1200 Series:
- 800: Underground Injection; 900: Environmental Impact Prevention; 1200: Protection of Wildlife Resources
- Dates: Sept. 28 - Oct. 9*
*While these dates havebeen noticed, they may not be necessary if the hearings are completed earlier
SB 19-181 ensures that oil and gas development and operations in Colorado are regulated in a manner that protects public health, safety, welfare, the environment and wildlife resources. The COGCC is in the midst of reviewing its rules and procedures to evaluate what changes are required to reflect the new law’s requirements. On Nov. 21, 2019, the Commission adopted Flowline rules and Wellbore Integrity rules on June 10. The Commission will take up additional SB 19-181 rulemakings at future Commission hearings, including rulemakings around Mission Change, Cumulative Impacts and Alternative Location Analysis, which begins Aug. 24, 2020.
To learn more about upcoming hearings, the rulemaking schedule, and how to comment using the online portals, visit the COGCC website: